The MISSION of Woodlands New Life Center: “Guiding People In Their Journey To Follow Jesus.”
Reaching people. Building lives. We value the mission of God to reach and redeem individuals, families, neighborhoods, and beyond. Throughout all of history, God has been at work to love, save and restore people. And now that story continues in each of our lives. His greatest desire is for all of us to turn from lives lived for ourselves to receive the life God’s created us to live. When we do, He invites all of us to join Him in His mission in our own unique way. Though our contributions are different, God values them all as we give and contribute to what He’s doing in the lives of others.
Jesus told His disciples that the mission would start in their city then spread to the surrounding regions and then to the ends of the earth. At WOODLANDS, we want to follow that pattern. God’s mission starts in our hearts, works through our families, impacts our neighborhoods, affects our entire city and then keeps spreading to the ends of the earth.
Woodlands New Life Center exists to lead non-Christian people into being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
At Woodlands New Life Center, people from all denominations can feel welcome at our church. We desire for every person to know that they belong to our family, regardless of their church background. We do not believe God desires to exclude people. Our best common ground is that we believe in Jesus, believe in what He did for us, and love Him with everything we have.
Jesus’ mission becomes our mission. When you look at Jesus’ teaching in the Gospels, two commands are lifted up and they shape everything else that we do.
great commandment—to love God and love others as our self
great commission—to make disciples of all peoples
These two “greats” are how we live out our identity in Christ, and how we fulfill Woodlands New Life Center’s mission of “producing and releasing spiritual leaders who know and express the authentic Christ to Tallahassee and the world.”